
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Quarter past and Quarter to

today in math we did quarter past and quarter to is was hard. first we had to write time under the clock. the second on is that we had to drag the clock in the correct side.


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

telling the time

today in math we were doing a activity it is called  telling the time. is was really fun. the first on was we had to screen shot the clock. and the second on was that we had to right the time.

Friday, November 19, 2021


 yesterday we learnt about flamingo the best part of it was learning new stuff about them. I will tell you one of the fact the pink color of their feather come from the food.  here is my DLO

Friday, November 5, 2021

Peanut butter jelly sandwich

 On Wednesday we did how to make a peanut butter jelly sandwich. But we had to do the interactions on paper. Today we got to make peanut butter jelly sandwich. Miss McLeod picked 4 people to read there interactions. she would follow it and it was fun.This is my interactions

Thursday, September 30, 2021


Today in reading we learnt about Picasso he is a artist and then we  had to do a sheet work about him and we had to draw one of his panting and then we had to right about it then we blogged it.


Friday, September 10, 2021

Te Reo Maori

 In Te Reo Maori we had to record us saying what is this in Moari and our buddy would reply in Maori saying this is (     ). The fun bit about this was saying the Moai words. The most hard bit was trying not to laugh. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

naming the class room in Maori

 couple weeks ago we learn how to name are stuff in the class room in Maori what i learnt was new Maori world that i didn't know.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Diamante Poem

 Few days ago we learnt how to make our own  Diamante Poem and i made my own here it is. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

The Earth

 Hi guys 

So we have been learning  about earth couple days ago. Then we had to make a DLO about  the plant earth.  Then  i stared my DLO so i wrote some  facts  about earth.  Then i changed the background to blue and green because that is the earths colors. Then i added pictures and here it is.