
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

all about Joe

We read a book called finders,keepers.
So today in Reading we had to write a list of all of things you know about Joe. and then we had to blog it.

Character description

 On Tuesday in Reading we read a book it was called Nobody Laughed and then we had to pick a Character my was Mr Chalmers and then we wrote stuff about him then we had to blog it and here it is.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

zoos are good for animals

 Hi there its Ashavi.

A couple weeks a ago we did a writing about zoos are good for animals and here its ...

In my opinion zoos are good for animals. My first point is the zookeepers feed the animals the correct food. My second point is that zoos have vets there. My third point is that scientists can learn about them.      

Firstly I think zookeepers feed the animals the correct food and the zookeeper's stop them from getting sick from the wrong food.

Secondly I think that zoos have vets there and vet are good for animals because the vet helps the animals.In zoos they have some vets to help them and in the wild they don't. Zoos save endangered species by bringing them into a safe environment, where they are protected from poachers.      

Thirdly, scientists can learn about them. the scientists can learn more about their behavior so they can help the animals and protect them. If animals are in zoos scientists can learn about them more and learn about what they dislike and what they like and stuff like that.

So all together I think Zoos are good for animals because it can help the animals, such as training them.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Calendar Art/ Dot Art

Kia Ora,

For the past few weeks in Calendar Art there was 3 groups, Falling Down a Tunnel, Kandinsky Art and Dot Art. I was in dot art, so first we had to make a draft on a white piece of paper and then we got a black piece of a paper and then and I drew the same thing that i drew on the other piece of paper an then we got a cotton bid and then i did dot art on it.

Monday, September 14, 2020

How to tie shoelaces

How to tie shoelaces on Biteable.                                                                                                                 hey everybody copy weeks we did  how to tie shoelaces and it was fun making them.

making my sentence better

hey everyone today in writing we did a making my sentence better.


Thursday, August 27, 2020

The ice cream truck

So this week we read a book it was called the ice cream truck and then we had to do a story web.

Thursday, August 6, 2020


so today in writing we did a cinquain poem it was fun we did about shark first we had to make a cope of the sheet and then we had to writ on it and then we design it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


So today in writing we did a haiku poem we did about snakes first  we had to make a copy of it then we had to writing on it and when we were finish  writing it you had to put some pitcher on it 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

math: Repeated addition

so in math we did a math re

Friday, July 3, 2020

make it personal

so to day

Make it Personal

By now you should be able to spot the difference between Private Information and Personal Information. 

Here is a quick wee definition to remind you: 
Private Information 
Information about you that can be used to find out specific things about you like the exact date you are born, where you live and where you are going to be (e.g., your full name or your address)
Personal Information 
Information about you that is also true for lots of other people (e.g., your hair color or the city you live in)

Your task is to change the following ten sentences from Private to Personal. The first one has been done for you as an example. 

Private Information in Sentences
Personal Information in Sentences
Example: My birthday is on the 28th February 1988.  
Example: My birthday is in at the end of February. I was born in the 80’s.  
  1. My name is Cooper Clifford. name is cooper
  1. I live at 205 Breens Rd, Christchurch. 
2. I live in Christchurch
  1. I go to dance class on Wednesday’s right after school at Anna Lee.  
3. I go to dance on Wednesday's 
  1. I am going to Orana Park on Saturday at 2pm. 
4. I am going to Oran park
  1. My birthday is on the 28th November 2006. 
5. My birthday on November 
  1. I can always be found after school at the Hornby Hub. 
6. I go to the Hornby hub after school
  1. My Mum is Kelsey Morgan. 
7. My mom is Kelsey
  1. My Nan Lives at 105 Whiterock Road. 
8.  My Nan lives in Christchurch
  1. I go to dance class on Wednesday’s right after school at Anna Lee. 
9. 4 i go to dance on Wednesday's
  1. My whole family is going to be at Chipmunks this Monday at 10am. 
10. My whole family is going to be at chipmunks

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The pick-a-path

we have bin making pick path it was so fun making the pick path .

Thursday, June 4, 2020

My balance

So to day in inquiry we leaned about our balance . it was about how much do you eat in a day . and the other thing was how much do exercise.  and the second thing how much brain power  do spend . and how much do spend do you time with your family and  friends and how much do spend time alone

lockdown window 2020

kia Ora Readers
last week we did a lock down window 2020. my favert part was when we get to draw.  and when i was finest drawing then i had coulor my picture in.